Sunday, May 27, 2012

Banjo's Birthday

It has been another long wait  in-between posts sorry! But time just doesn't  seem to be on my side at the present.

We have just celebrated Banjo's 6th birthday this week and it has been a bit of an ordeal! So much so i thought i might let the photo's tell the story!

Birthday countdown

"I don't feel well Mum..."

Over the last fortnight i went through 4 bottles of medicine!

Trying to put on a happy face! Even with his new

Party time helps distract the symptoms. 

last minute throw-together cake

A rare smile from the sick birthday boy

Running out of steam!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Banjo ... I did wonder how you were all feeling.
    Hope you are now on the mend and that the skateboard gets a good workout.
